By the Numbers, a Failing President By Patrick Buchanan

By the Numbers, a Failing President

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Indeed, when one considers the political situation one year after Biden’s inauguration and 10 months before the 2022 elections, how Biden turns things around for himself, his presidency and his party is not easy to see. If the left believed that draping the Capitol riot of Jan. 6, 2021, around …

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A Fatal Failing of Establishment Elites

A Fatal Failing of Establishment Elites

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Biden’s gaffe and Burchard’s slur have this in common: Both manifest a measure of condescension toward a large bloc of voters. Hillary Clinton did something similar in 2016… In his half-century in national politics, Joe Biden has committed more than his fair share of gaffes. Wednesday, he confused Pearl Harbor …

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How Long Can Biden Stay in His Basement?

How Long Can Biden Stay in His Basement?

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The worry is that he is suffering from mental decline and could be destroyed by Trump in a presidential debate. Biden forgets, mumbles, misspeaks, loses his train of thought and appears, at times, confused. Where Barack Obama achieved notoriety for “leading from behind,” Joe Biden, these last two months, has …

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