Are All Court-Created Rights Now in Peril? By Patrick Buchanan

Are All Court-Created Rights Now in Peril?

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What does this fear that if the Alito decision overturning Roe becomes law, all these other decisions are in peril as well, tell us? It suggests that the national establishment lacks faith that the American people have truly and fully embraced the social reforms that progressives have gotten the Supreme …

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Can Poland Be Poland -- and Stay in the EU?

Can Poland Be Poland — and Stay in the EU?

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The questions raised by the rebellious Poles are fundamental: Which takes precedence, when they come into conflict, Poland’s constitution and Poland’s laws, or the laws of the European Union? “Let Poland be Poland!” That was the call of American conservatives, four decades ago, when the Solidarity movement of labor leader …

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Who Is Really Killing American Democracy?

Who Is Really Killing American Democracy?

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The point: If we Americans cannot even agree on which heroes and holidays are to be celebrated together, does that not tell us something about whether we are really, any longer, one country and one people? By a vote of 30-1 in the House, with unanimous support in the Senate, …

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Putin's Narrowing Options

Is Putin Right? Has Liberalism Lost the World?

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Putin also sees the social excesses of multiculturalism and secularism in the West as representing a failure of liberalism. “The liberal idea has become obsolete. … (Liberals) cannot simply dictate anything to anyone as they have been attempting to do over the recent decades.” Such was the confident claim of …

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Are Abortion & Gay Rights American Values?

Are Abortion & Gay Rights American Values?

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What are these “values” of which politicians incessantly talk? Are they immutable? Or do they change with the changing times? “My religion defines who I am. And I’ve been a practicing Catholic my whole life,” said Vice President Joe Biden in 2012. “I accept my church’s position on abortion as …

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