The Eclipse of Europe

The Eclipse of Europe

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Not only is the center of political gravity shifting from Europe to Asia, European unity seems a thing of the past. As Britain has left the EU, Scotland is considering secession from England. Catalonia is still thinking of secession from Spain. Sardinia is considering secession from Italy. Poland and Hungary …

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Are the US and China Stumbling Toward an 'Islands War'?

Are the US and China Stumbling Toward an ‘Islands War’?

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World War II began in Europe when the British, Sept. 3, 1939, declared war on Germany over its invasion of Poland to retrieve what Berlin claimed were its territories… If World War III breaks out between China and the U.S., it is likely to be over islands of Asia claimed …

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20 Years after 9/11 -- Are We Better Off?

20 Years after 9/11 — Are We Better Off?

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Looking back at the half dozen Mideast wars in which we have engaged since that first 9/11, where are we better off now than we were then? Al-Qaida, ISIS, Boko Haram and their variants have established a presence in Arab, Asian and African countries far beyond Afghanistan. Looking forward, where …

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Is Democracy Versus Autocracy the New Cold War?

Is Democracy Versus Autocracy the New Cold War?

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Are we really in an ideological war with Vladimir Putin’s Russia today, as we were during the Cold War with Stalin’s USSR? “He may be an SOB, but he’s our SOB.” So said President Franklin D. Roosevelt of Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza, and how very American. For, from its first …

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Cacophony and Confusion in Foreign Policy

Cacophony and Confusion in Foreign Policy

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All these stories, photos and videos are indelibly fixed in America’s mind and inextricably linked to Joe Biden. They will forever define his legacy. And they have created a coalition of opponents and critics that may be sufficient to block or impede any bold foreign policy decision Biden chooses to …

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Bad Moon Rising for Biden -- and Us

Bad Moon Rising for Biden — and Us

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So it was that, in the first August of the Biden presidency, the U.S. suffered defeat in its longest war, underwent a humiliating evacuation under the guns of its enemies, continued to endure the worst plague in 100 years, and saw an invasion of its southern border by illegal migrants …

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The Bitter Fruits of Interventionism

The Bitter Fruits of Interventionism

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One of the principal casualties of Kabul is the establishment’s grand vision of a U.S. foreign policy for the new century — where liberalism and democratic capitalism have won the battle for the future, and the U.S., victorious in the Cold War, would lead the world in the realization of …

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JFK -- Accept Our Diverse World as It Is

JFK — Accept Our Diverse World as It Is

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Kennedy was asking us to recognize that the world consists not only of democrats but also of autocrats, dictatorships, military regimes, monarchs and politburos, and the goal of U.S. foreign policy was not to convert them into political replicas of the USA.    Kennedy was willing to put our political model …

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