Against Obama, But for What?

Against Obama, But for What?

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After billions in attack ads that turned the approval ratings of almost every candidate, in both parties, upside down, Republicans appear primed to take control of Congress. Why are Democrats falling like dominoes? Easy. Theirs is the Party of Government. And government is failing. And their leader Obama projects diffidence …

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A Basket of Snakes

A Basket of Snakes

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“Once war is forced upon us, there is no other alternative than to apply every available means to bring it to a swift end. “War’s very object is victory, not prolonged indecision.” So said Gen. MacArthur in some of the wisest counsel the old soldier ever gave his countrymen. Yet, …

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What Would Braveheart Do?

What Would Braveheart Do?

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No matter how the vote turns out on Thursday in Scotland, either for independence or continued union with Britain, the disintegration of the Old Continent appears almost inevitable. Already the British government has conceded that, even if the Scots vote for union, Edinburgh will receive greater powers to rule itself. …

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Bluster and Bluff in the Baltic

Bluster and Bluff in the Baltic

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“I say to the people of Estonia and the people of the Baltics, today we are bound by our treaty alliance. … Article 5 is crystal clear: An attack on one is an attack on all. So if … you ever ask again, ‘who’ll come to help,’ you’ll know the …

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The Greatest Comeback by Pat Buchanan

Liberal Elites Toppled Nixon

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– Opinion USA Today The left is today celebrating the 40th anniversary of the resignation of its most despised enemy in the 20th century. But though his fall is being hailed as a triumph of democracy, Richard Nixon was not brought down by any popular uprising. The breaking of his …

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Who Owns the Future?

Who Owns the Future?

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At the end of the Cold War, Francis Fukuyama famously wrote that our world may be at the “end of history” where “Western liberal democracy” becomes “the final form of human government.” A quarter century on, such optimism seems naive. Consider the United States, the paragon of liberal democracy. An …

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GOP Ultimatum to Vlad

A GOP Ultimatum to Vlad

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With the party united, the odds are now at least even that the GOP will not only hold the House but also capture the Senate in November. But before traditional conservatives cheer that prospect, they might take a closer look at the foreign policy that a Republican Senate would seek …

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My Thoughts on Pat Buchanan’s Brilliant and Incisive Take on Washington’s Ukrainian Fiasco

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By David Stockman In just 800 words Pat Buchanan exposes the sheer juvenile delinquency embodied in Washington’s current Ukrainian fiasco. He accomplishes this by reminding us of the sober restraint that governed the actions of American Presidents from FDR to Eisenhower, Reagan and Bush I with respect to Eastern Europe …

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