Why Can't Biden Stop This Invasion?

Why Can’t Biden Stop This Invasion?

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America used to regard its southern border as sacrosanct and vulnerable, requiring constant vigilance and occasional action to secure. And how is President Joe Biden handling his sworn presidential duty to defend the states of the Union from invasion? Article IV of the Constitution addresses the obligations of the federal …

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The Worst of Days for Trump & Trumpists

The Worst of Days for Trump & Trumpists

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What Americans watched was a mob occupation and desecration of the temple of the American Republic. And the event will be forever exploited to discredit not only Trump but the movement he led and the achievements of his presidency. President Donald Trump, it turns out, was being quite literal when …

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Russiagate -- a Bright, Shining Lie

Russiagate — a Bright, Shining Lie

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The instigators of this investigation, launched to bring down a president, have damaged and divided this nation, and they need to be exposed, as do their collaborators in the press. “The Special Counsel’s investigation did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with …

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Can America Fight Two Cold Wars at Once?

Can America Fight Two Cold Wars at Once?

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Kim Jong Un, angered by the newest U.S. sanctions, is warning that North Korea’s commitment to denuclearization could be imperiled and we could be headed for “exchanges of fire.” Iran, warns Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, is testing ballistic missiles that are forbidden to them by the U.N. Security Council. …

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America's Lengthening Enemies List

America’s Lengthening Enemies List

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Friday, deep into the 17th year of America’s longest war, Taliban forces overran Ghazni, a provincial capital that sits on the highway from Kabul to Kandahar. The ferocity of the Taliban offensive brought U.S. advisers along with U.S. air power, including a B-1 bomber, into the battle. “As the casualty …

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Will War Cancel Trump's Triumphs?

Will War Cancel Trump’s Triumphs?

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Asked what he did during the French Revolution, Abbe Sieyes replied, “I survived.” Donald Trump can make the same boast. No other political figure has so dominated our discourse. And none, not Joe McCarthy in his heyday in the early ’50s, nor Richard Nixon in Watergate, received such intensive and …

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Who Wants War with Iran — and Why?

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In the run-up to Christmas, President Donald Trump has been the beneficiary of some surprisingly good news and glad tidings. Sunday, Vladimir Putin called to thank him and the CIA for providing Russia critical information that helped abort an ISIS plot to massacre visitors to Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg. …

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After the Coup, What Then?

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That the Trump presidency is bedeviled is undeniable. As President Donald Trump flew off for August at his Jersey club, there came word that Special Counsel Robert Mueller III had impaneled a grand jury and subpoenas were going out to Trump family and campaign associates. The jurors will be drawn …

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