Who and What Is Tearing the US Apart?

Who and What Is Tearing the US Apart?

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What is Bush saying here? That Ashli Babbitt, the Air Force veteran shot to death trying to enter the House chamber on Jan. 6, and Mohamed Atta, who drove an airliner into the North Tower of the World Trade Center in a massacre of close to 3,000 people, are “children …

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Is Afghanistan a Failed Mission?

Is Afghanistan a Failed Mission?

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Truth be told, Afghanistan was never a vital interest of the United States but has always been the most priceless possession of the Afghan people… There never was a vital U.S. interest in Afghanistan worth a war of the cost in blood, treasure and time that we have just fought. …

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Were the Wars Wise? Were They Worth It?

Were the Wars Wise? Were They Worth It?

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While the service and sacrifice were always honorable and often heroic, never to be forgotten, were the wars these soldiers were sent to fight and die in wise? Were they necessary? Through the long Memorial Day weekend, anyone who read the newspapers or watched television could not miss or be …

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Is Biden Reenlisting in the Forever Wars?

Is Biden Reenlisting in the Forever Wars?

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The leverage we have are the sanctions Trump imposed. If Biden lifts those in return for Iran returning to the terms of the 2015 deal, he surrenders all of his leverage for a new deal covering Tehran’s missile development and aid to Shia militias in Yemen, Syria, Iraq and Lebanon. …

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Imperial Capital but America-First Nation

Imperial Capital but America-First Nation

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Is America still the world’s last superpower with global policing obligations? Or should we shuck off this imperial role and make America, again, in Jeane Kirkpatrick’s phrase, “a normal country in a normal time”? “Let someone else fight over this long blood-stained sand,” said President Donald Trump in an impassioned …

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When, If Ever, Can We Lay This Burden Down?

When, If Ever, Can We Lay This Burden Down?

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Is it too soon to ask: What have we gained from our longest war? Was all the blood and treasure invested worth it? And what does the future hold? Friday, President Donald Trump met in New Jersey with his national security advisers and envoy Zalmay Khalilzad, who is negotiating with …

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How the War Party Lost the Middle East

How the War Party Lost the Middle East

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“Assad must go, Obama says.” So read the headline in The Washington Post, Aug. 18, 2011. The story quoted President Barack Obama directly: “The future of Syria must be determined by its people, but President Bashar al-Assad is standing in their way. … the time has come for President Assad …

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Who Lost the World Bush 41 Left Behind?

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George H.W. Bush was America’s closer. Called in to pitch the final innings of the Cold War, Bush 41 presided masterfully over the fall of the Berlin Wall, the unification of Germany, the liberation of 100 million Eastern Europeans and the dissolution of the Soviet Union into 15 independent nations. …

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