Staying Out of Other People's Wars

Staying Out of Other People’s Wars

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“If these negotiations [with Iran] fail, there are two grim alternatives,” said Sen. Richard Durbin, “a nuclear Iran, or war, or perhaps both.” Sens. John McCain and Lindsey Graham returned from the Munich security conference saying that even John Kerry agrees that President Obama’s Syrian policy has failed. They are …

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Obama Should Go to Sochi

Obama Should Go to Sochi

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With twin suicide bombings in Volgograd, at a train station and on a trolley, 34 Russians are dead and scores are injured and hospitalized. Moscow and the world have been put on notice by Doku Umarov, the Chechen Islamic terrorist, that the winter Olympics in Sochi, six weeks away, may …

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Let Obama Play the Iran Hand

Let Obama Play the Iran Hand

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When, after the massacres at Newtown and the Washington Navy Yard, Republicans refused to outlaw the AR-15 rifle or require background checks for gun purchasers, we were told the party had committed suicide by defying 90 percent of the nation. When Republicans rejected amnesty and a path to citizenship for …

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No Syrian War to Save Obamas Face

No Syrian War to Save Obama’s Face!

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“Catastrophic!” said Sen. John McCain. If Congress votes no on a resolution calling for U.S. intervention in Syria’s civil war, says McCain, it would be “catastrophic” for U.S. credibility in the world. Consider what the senator is saying here. Because Barack Obama, two years ago, said “Assad must go,” and, …

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Second Cold War

Do We Really Want a Cold War II?

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“There have been times when they slip back into Cold War thinking,” said President Obama in his tutorial with Jay Leno. And to show the Russians that such Cold War thinking is antiquated, Obama canceled his September summit with Vladimir Putin. The reason: Putin’s grant of asylum to Edward Snowden, …

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Is victory for either side worth yet another U.S. war?

The Palin Doctrine

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On U.S. military intervention in Syria’s civil war, where “both sides are slaughtering each other as they scream over an arbitrary red line ‘Allahu akbar’ … I say let Allah sort it out.” So said Sarah Palin to the Faith and Freedom Coalition conference. And, as is not infrequently the …

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Obama and the Joint Chiefs

Cut Commitments, Not Muscle

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In that year of happy memory, 1972, George McGovern, the Democratic nominee, declared he would chop defense by fully one-third. A friendly congressman was persuaded to ask Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird to expatiate on what this might mean. The Pentagon replied the Sixth Fleet might have to be pulled …

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America Needs No More Neo-Imperial Nonsense

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– The Financial Times Triumphant in the first Gulf war, George H.W. Bush, in October 1991, went before the UN to declare that the US’s goal was now to build a “New World Order”. Rejecting this as Wilsonian utopianism, my 1992 presidential campaign called for an end to US military …

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