Weiner Spitzer Now More Than Ever

Weiner & Spitzer — Now More Than Ever!

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“Progressivism leads inevitably to utter irrationality and eventually political, as well as moral, chaos.” So writes editor R.V. Young in the summer issue of Modern Age, the journal of which Russell Kirk was founding editor. The magazine arrived with the latest post from our cultural capital, where the front-runner in …

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Rush and the New Blacklist

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The original “Hollywood blacklist” dates back to 1947, when 10 members of the Communist Party, present or former, invoked the Fifth Amendment before the House Committee on Un-American Activities. The party was then a wholly owned subsidiary of the Comintern of Joseph Stalin, whose victims had surpassed in number those …

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Vulture Capitalism or Populist Demagoguery?

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“They’re vultures that are sitting out there on the tree limb, waiting for a company to get sick, and then they swoop in … eat the carcass … and … leave the skeleton.” So Rick Perry colorfully characterized the private equity firm Bain Capital, once run by Mitt Romney. How …

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Is America Disintegrating?

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In Federalist 2, John Jay looks out at a nation of a common blood, faith, language, history, customs and culture. “Providence,” he writes, “has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people — a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the …

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A Conspiracy of Counterfeiters

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“Lenin is said to have declared that the best way to destroy the Capitalist System was to debauch the currency. By a continuing process of inflation, governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens.” “Lenin was certainly right,” John Maynard Keynes continued in …

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Why Weiner’s Going Under the Bus

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Is there any redeeming social value to the tawdry tale of Anthony Weiner? Only this: The nationwide revulsion at the conduct of the congressman has compelled the leadership and members of the House Democratic caucus to demand he resign immediately and cease not only distracting them from their work but …

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Morality: Trotskyite vs. Christian

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by Patrick J. Buchanan Did Hitler’s crimes justify the Allies’ terror-bombing of Germany? Indeed they did, answers Christopher Hitchens in his Newsweek response to my new book, “Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War“: “The stark evidence of the Final Solution has ever since been enough to dispel most doubts about, …

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