
The Winter of Conservative Discontent

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As the white flag rises above Republican redoubts, offering a surrender on taxes, the mind goes back to what seemed a worse time for conservatives: December 1964. Barry Goldwater had suffered a defeat not seen since Alf Landon. Republicans held less than one-third of the House and Senate and only …

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Is America Disintegrating?

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In Federalist 2, John Jay looks out at a nation of a common blood, faith, language, history, customs and culture. “Providence,” he writes, “has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people — a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the …

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Say Goodbye to Los Angeles

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Centuries before William James coined the phrase, men have sought a “moral equivalent of war,” some human endeavor to satisfy the jingoistic lust of man, without the carnage of war. For some, the modern Olympic Games have served the purpose, with the Cold War rivalry for medals between the United …

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America 2050: A Nation of Turtles

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Does it matter who was the 300-millionth “American”? Indeed, it does. If it was a baby born to an American, that is wonderful news. If it was a baby born to an illegal alien, it means we have lost control of our borders. And as Ronald Reagan said, a country …

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Will America Survive to 2050?

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“In 376 a large band of Gothic refugees arrived at the Empire’s Danube frontier, asking for asylum. In a complete break with established Roman policy, they were allowed in, unsubdued. They revolted, and within two years had defeated and killed the emperor Valens – the one who had received them …

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