
The Coming Age of Austerity

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“Are the good times really over for good?” asked Merle Haggard in his 1982 lament. Then, the good times weren’t over. In fact, they were coming back, with the Reagan recovery, the renewal of the American spirit and the end of a Cold War that had consumed so much of …

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Is Mitt Serious About Condi?

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The first criterion in choosing a vice president, it is said, is that he or she must be qualified to be president. Yet there is another yardstick by which candidates measure running mates. Do they bring something to the table? Can they help with a critical voting bloc? Can they …

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Bush’s Black List

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by Patrick J. Buchanan The American Conservative Magazine On reading George W. Bush’s discourse to the New York Economic Club last week, Cicero’s insight came to mind: “To be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to remain always a child.” With the Iraq War entering its sixth …

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