Return of the 'Law and Order' Issue

Return of the ‘Law and Order’ Issue

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Indeed, of all of the Black folks who will have died of homicide or murder in D.C., Baltimore, Philly and New York this year, how many will have been shot or stabbed by Proud Boys, Three Percenters, Oath Keepers, white vigilantes, white supremacists or rogue white cops? According to Gallup, …

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Kyle Rittenhouse, Both Right and Righteous

Kyle Rittenhouse, Both Right and Righteous

Make America Think Again! - Share Pat's Columns...

And what were the motives and goals of Joseph Rosenbaum, the child rapist and ex-con, and Anthony Huber, who wielded the skateboard? What were they doing in Kenosha, if not helping to sustain a criminal riot to destroy property Rittenhouse had come to defend? In judging the actions of Kyle …

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