Is Bernie Stealing Trump's 'No More Wars' Issue?

Is Bernie Stealing Trump’s ‘No More Wars’ Issue?

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The center of gravity of U.S. politics is shifting toward the Trump position of 2016. “The president has said that he does not want to see this country involved in endless wars… I agree with that,” Bernie Sanders told the Fox News audience at Monday’s town hall meeting in Bethlehem, …

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Mayor Pete and the Crackup of Christianity

Mayor Pete and the Crackup of Christianity

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Buttigieg declared his candidacy Sunday, and his bid ensures that America’s deepening moral divide will be front and center in 2020… “(T)here is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so,” said Hamlet, who thereby raised some crucial questions: Is moral truth subjective? Does it change with changing …

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2020: Socialist America or Trump's America?

2020: Socialist America or Trump’s America?

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And what would then happen if the Democrats simply held the House, added three Senate seats and defeated Trump in 2020? In the new Democratic Party, where women and people of color are to lead, and the white men are to stand back, the presidential field has begun to sort …

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Left's Latest Demand: Race-Based Reparations

Left’s Latest Demand: Race-Based Reparations

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“Politically, the party of slavery, secession and segregation was the party of Jefferson, Jackson, Clay, Calhoun, Wilson and FDR, who put a Klansman on the Supreme Court — the Democratic Party.    It was the Republican Party that was formed to contain and end slavery, and did…” Having embraced “Medicare-for-all,” free …

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Has Trump Found the Formula for 2020?

Has Trump Found the Formula for 2020?

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If the pollsters at CNN and CBS are correct, Donald Trump may have found the formula for winning a second term in 2020. His State of the Union address, say the two networks, met with the approval of 76 percent of all viewers — 97 percent of Republicans, 82 percent …

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Sacrificing Northam Will Not Be Enough

Sacrificing Northam Will Not Be Enough

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“Once that picture with the blackface and the Klansman came out, there is no way you can continue to be the governor of the commonwealth of Virginia.” So decreed Terry McAuliffe, insisting on the death penalty with no reprieve for his friend and successor Gov. Ralph Northam. Et tu, Brute? …

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No, This Is Not JFK’s Democratic Party

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Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s House has more women, persons of color and LGBT members than any House in history — and fewer white males. And Thursday, the day Rashida Tlaib was sworn in, her hand on a Quran, our first Palestinian-American congresswoman showed us what we may expect. As a rally …

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2020: Year of the Democrats? Maybe Not

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If Democrats are optimistic as 2019 begins, it is understandable. Their victory on Nov. 6, adding 40 seats and taking control of the House of Representatives, was impressive. And with the party’s total vote far exceeding the GOP total, in places it became a rout. In the six New England …

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