Where Are the 'High Crimes'?

Where Are the ‘High Crimes’?

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Nowhere in the articles of impeachment is “treason” mentioned. Nor is “bribery” or “extortion,” the other crimes alleged. Where are the “high crimes” in this impeachment resolution? There are none. “Quid pro quo” was the accusatory Latin phrase most often used to describe President Donald Trump’s July 25 phone call …

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50 Years Ago: The Day Nixon Routed the Establishment

50 Years Ago: The Day Nixon Routed the Establishment

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Ten days after the “silent majority” speech, Vice President Spiro Agnew, in Des Moines, launched an assault on the unholy matrimony of media power and liberal bias. Agnew questioned whether the networks near-monopoly over the primary source of information for the American people should be permanently ceded to so tiny …

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Is China the Country of the Future?

Is China the Country of the Future?

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Under Xi Jinping, the mask of benign giant has slipped and the menacing face of 21st-century China is being revealed, for its people, its neighbors, and the world to see. With the fall of the Nationalist government of Chiang Kai-shek, the defeat of his armies and the flight to Formosa, …

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Can Joe Biden Run This Marathon?

Can Joe Biden Run This Marathon?

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Given months of campaigning in which the principal feature has been his gaffes, why is Joe still the front-runner? Thursday, Sept. 14, looks to be a fateful day in the half-century-long political career of Joe Biden. That night, a three-hour debate will be held, a marathon in politics. Biden will …

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Already Deep in the Politics of Hate

Already Deep in the Politics of Hate

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If this is the level of discourse from Beto and Bernie, 2020 looks to be one of the ugliest campaigns in American history. During an Iowa town hall last week, “Beto” O’Rourke, who had pledged to raise the level of national discourse, depicted President Donald Trump’s rhetoric as right out …

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When Democracy Fails to Deliver

When Democracy Fails to Deliver

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“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible … make violent revolution inevitable,” said John F. Kennedy. In 2016, the U.S. and Britain were both witness to peaceful revolutions. The British voted 52-48 to sever ties to the European Union, restore their full sovereignty, declare independence and go their own way in …

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No, This Is Not JFK’s Democratic Party

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Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s House has more women, persons of color and LGBT members than any House in history — and fewer white males. And Thursday, the day Rashida Tlaib was sworn in, her hand on a Quran, our first Palestinian-American congresswoman showed us what we may expect. As a rally …

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The War for the Soul of America

The War for the Soul of America

The war in Washington will not end until the presidency of Donald Trump ends. Everyone seems to sense that now.

This is a fight to the finish.

A postelection truce that began with Trump congratulating House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi — “I give her a great deal of credit for what she’s done and what she’s accomplished” — was ancient history by nightfall.

With the forced resignation of Attorney General Jeff Sessions and his replacement by his chief of staff, Matthew Whitaker, the long-anticipated confrontation with Robert Mueller appears at hand.

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