'Locked and Loaded' for War on Iran?

‘Locked and Loaded’ for War on Iran?

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The War Party is giddy with excitement over the prospect of war with Iran, while the nation does not want another war. “Iran has launched an unprecedented attack on the world’s energy supply,” declared Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Putting America’s credibility on the line, Pompeo accused Iran of carrying …

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After Bolton, Trump Goals Remain Unrealized

After Bolton, Trump Goals Remain Unrealized

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It is only among foreign policy elites in Beltway think tanks, the generals who ran the national security state, liberal interventionists in the media and the hierarchy of the GOP that we find echoes of Bolton. The rest of the country has moved on. They want an end to the …

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Can Joe Biden Run This Marathon?

Can Joe Biden Run This Marathon?

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Given months of campaigning in which the principal feature has been his gaffes, why is Joe still the front-runner? Thursday, Sept. 14, looks to be a fateful day in the half-century-long political career of Joe Biden. That night, a three-hour debate will be held, a marathon in politics. Biden will …

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Will Bibi's War Become America's War?

Will Bibi’s War Become America’s War?

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Why is Netanyahu now admitting to Israel’s role in the strikes in Lebanon, Syria and Iraq? Why has he begun threatening Iran itself and even the Houthi rebels in Yemen? President Donald Trump, who canceled a missile strike on Iran, after the shoot-down of a U.S. Predator drone, to avoid …

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A Multicultural Mugging of Uncle Joe

A Multicultural Mugging of Uncle Joe

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“Everybody’s talking about how terrible I am on these issues,” wailed Biden. He fought back gamely. But he also stammered, mumbled, misspoke and some of his answers seemed to be canned rebuttals. In his opening statement at Wednesday’s Democratic debate in Detroit, Joe Biden addressed Donald Trump while pointing proudly …

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Is a New US Mideast War Inevitable?

Is a New US Mideast War Inevitable?

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In this new century, leaders of both parties have plunged our country into at least five wars in the Middle and Near East… None of these wars has produced a victory or success for us. But taken together, they did produce a multitrillion-dollar strategic and human rights disaster. In October …

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Memo to Trump: Trade Bolton for Tulsi

Memo to Trump: Trade Bolton for Tulsi

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“If she makes it into the second round, Gabbard could become the catalyst for the kind of globalist vs. nationalist debate that broke out between Trump and Bush Republicans in 2016, a debate that contributed to Trump’s victory…” “For too long our leaders have failed us, taking us into one …

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Trump: War President or Anti-Interventionist?

Trump: War President or Anti-Interventionist?

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Where is the evidence that any such secret program exists? And if it does, why does America not tell the world where Iran’s secret nuclear facilities are located and demand immediate inspections?… Visualizing 150 Iranian dead from a missile strike that he had ordered, President Donald Trump recoiled and canceled …

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