Trump or Ryan: Who Speaks for GOP?

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“No modern precedent exists for the revival of a party so badly defeated, so intensely discredited, and so essentially split as the Republican Party is today.” Taken from “The Party That Lost Its Head” by Bruce Chapman and George Gilder, this excerpt, about Barry Goldwater’s defeat in 1964, led Thursday’s …

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Bush Republicanism Is Dead and Gone

Bush Republicanism Is Dead and Gone

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“The two living Republican past presidents, George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush, have no plans to endorse Trump, according to their spokesmen.” So said the lead story in The Washington Post. Graceless, yes, but not unexpected. The Bushes have many fine qualities. Losing well, however, is not one …

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At Last, America First!

At Last, America First!

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Whether the establishment likes it or not, and it evidently does not, there is a revolution going on in America. The old order in this capital city is on the way out, America is crossing a great divide, and there is no going back. Donald Trump’s triumphant march to the …

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Is the GOP Risking Suicide?

Is the GOP Risking Suicide?

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Donald Trump has brought out the largest crowds in the history of primaries. He has won the most victories, the most delegates, the most votes. He is poised to sweep three of the five largest states in the nation — New York, Pennsylvania and California. If he does, and the …

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What Trump Has Wrought

What Trump Has Wrought

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By Patrick Buchanan As Wisconsinites head for the polls, our Beltway elites are almost giddy. For they foresee a Badger State bashing for Donald Trump, breaking his momentum toward the Republican nomination. Should the Donald fall short of the delegates needed to win on the first ballot, 1,237, there is …

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The Rule-or-Ruin Republicans

The Rule-or-Ruin Republicans

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By Patrick Buchanan “Things reveal themselves passing away,” wrote W. B. Yeats. Whatever one may think of Donald Trump, his campaign has done us a service — exposing the underbelly of a decaying establishment whose repudiation by America’s silent majority is long overdue. According to The New York Times, super …

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Suicide of the GOP -- or Rebirth-?

Suicide of the GOP — or Rebirth?

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By Patrick Buchanan “If his poll numbers hold, Trump will be there six months from now when the Sweet 16 is cut to the Final Four, and he will likely be in the finals.” My prediction, in July of 2015, looks pretty good right now. Herewith, a second prediction. Republican …

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Brownshirts & Republican Wimps

Brownshirts & Republican Wimps

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Friday evening’s Donald Trump rally in Chicago was broken up by a foul-mouthed mob that infiltrated the hall and forced the cancelation of the event to prevent violence and bloodshed. Brownshirt tactics worked. The mob, triumphant, rejoiced. And the reaction of Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and John Kasich? All three …

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