Trump or Ryan: Who Speaks for GOP?

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“No modern precedent exists for the revival of a party so badly defeated, so intensely discredited, and so essentially split as the Republican Party is today.” Taken from “The Party That Lost Its Head” by Bruce Chapman and George Gilder, this excerpt, about Barry Goldwater’s defeat in 1964, led Thursday’s …

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Bush Republicanism Is Dead and Gone

Bush Republicanism Is Dead and Gone

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“The two living Republican past presidents, George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush, have no plans to endorse Trump, according to their spokesmen.” So said the lead story in The Washington Post. Graceless, yes, but not unexpected. The Bushes have many fine qualities. Losing well, however, is not one …

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Will Trump Be Swindled in Cleveland, Too?

Will Trump Be Swindled in Cleveland, Too?

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In the race for the Republican nomination, Donald Trump would seem to be in the catbird seat. He has won the most states, the most delegates and the most votes — by nearly two million. He has brought out the largest crowds and is poised for huge wins in the …

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The Rule-or-Ruin Republicans

The Rule-or-Ruin Republicans

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By Patrick Buchanan “Things reveal themselves passing away,” wrote W. B. Yeats. Whatever one may think of Donald Trump, his campaign has done us a service — exposing the underbelly of a decaying establishment whose repudiation by America’s silent majority is long overdue. According to The New York Times, super …

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Suicide of the GOP -- or Rebirth-?

Suicide of the GOP — or Rebirth?

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By Patrick Buchanan “If his poll numbers hold, Trump will be there six months from now when the Sweet 16 is cut to the Final Four, and he will likely be in the finals.” My prediction, in July of 2015, looks pretty good right now. Herewith, a second prediction. Republican …

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The Oligarchs' Super-PAC Anti-Trump Savagery

The Oligarchs’ Super-PAC Anti-Trump Savagery

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Narrow victories in the Kentucky caucuses and the Louisiana primary, the largest states decided on Saturday, have moved Donald Trump one step nearer to the nomination. Primaries in Michigan, Mississippi and Idaho on March 8, and in Florida, Ohio, Illinois, Missouri and North Carolina on March 15, may prove decisive. …

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An Establishment in Panic

An Establishment in Panic

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Donald Trump “appeals to racism.” “[F]rom the beginning … his campaign has profited from voter prejudice and hatred” and represents an “authoritarian assault upon democracy.” If Speaker Paul Ryan wishes to be “on the right side of history … he must condemn Mr. Trump clearly and comprehensively. The same goes …

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Is a New GOP Being Born

Is a New GOP Being Born?

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By Patrick Buchanan The first four Republican contests — Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada — produced record turnouts. While the prospect of routing Hillary Clinton and recapturing the White House brought out the true believers, it was Donald Trump’s name on the ballot and his calls for economic …

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