2020: America's Wake-Up Call

2020: America’s Wake-Up Call

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Unable to stand up to a China in which they invested so many hopes, the American establishment turns to Russia — a nation with one-tenth China’s population and one-tenth of its economy, and no army or navy to match Beijing’s — as its adversary of choice. Who could have predicted …

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Can America Do It All?

Can America Do It All?

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With the national debt already equal to the GDP, and growing faster now, a question arises: Where does this end? In fiscal year 2020, which ended on Sept. 30, the U.S. government set some impressive new records. The deficit came in at $3.1 trillion, twice the previous record of $1.4 …

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A Focused Trump Can Still Pull It Out

A Focused Trump Can Still Pull It Out

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Trump needs to convert a Mr. Congeniality contest into a decision of whom you want to lead the nation in this perilous hour. Whom do you want in the Oval Office dealing with the current crises: Mr. Nice Guy or the guy who showed he could get the job done …

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A Most Consequential Presidency

A Most Consequential Presidency

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Trump has also changed the character and composition of the GOP, making it more of a working- and middle-class party. Where George H.W. Bush sought to build a “New World Order” with America as global hegemon and George W. Bush preached a global crusade for democracy “to end tyranny in …

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Biden's Game Plan -- Take No Risks & Run Out the Clock

Biden’s Game Plan — Take No Risks & Run Out the Clock

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A second hurdle for Biden is his speech accepting the Democratic nomination. The country would be watching intently to see if the Biden of August 2020 had lost the mental and communication skills he once had. But Biden’s advisers bypassed that hurdle this week by declaring that the pandemic prevents …

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All Is Hype for the Biden-Putin Summit

Stress Test of a Straining Superpower

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From the protests, riots, rampages and statue-smashing of the last two months, it is apparent that millions of Americans detest our history and heroes. Though nowhere in recorded time have 42 million people of African descent achieved the measures of freedom and prosperity they have in the USA, we are …

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Fauci vs. Trump -- Who's Right?

Fauci vs. Trump — Who’s Right?

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Ultimately, Fauci is not “The Decider” here. Trump is. “We have met the moment and we have prevailed,” said President Donald Trump Monday, as he supported the opening of the U.S. economy before the shutdown plunges us into a deep and lasting depression. Tuesday, Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, the nation’s …

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Coexistence with China or Cold War II?

Coexistence with China or Cold War II?

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On China, Trump is the first realist we have had in the Oval Office in decades. But both parties colluded in the buildup of China… The mighty malevolent China we face today was made in the USA. Under fire for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, President Donald Trump, his …

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