The End of Ideology

The End of Ideology?

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On our TV talk shows and op-ed pages, and in our think tanks here, there is rising alarm over events abroad. And President Obama is widely blamed for the perceived decline in worldwide respect for the United States. Yet, still, one hears no clamor from Middle America for “Action This …

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Last Hurrah of the Interventionists

Last Hurrah of the Interventionists?

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In what a Washington Post columnist describes as a rout of Rand Paul isolationism, the Senate just voted overwhelmingly to send another $1.5 billion in foreign aid to Egypt. The House voted 400-20 to impose new sanctions on Iran’s oil exports, two days before Iran’s new president, elected on a …

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American Jobs

The Pope and Godless Capitalism

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“This is called slave labor,” said Pope Francis. The Holy Father was referring to the $40 a month paid to apparel workers at that eight-story garment factory in Bangladesh that collapsed on top of them, killing more than 400. “Not paying a just wage … focusing exclusively on the balance …

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The New World Disorder

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After his great victory in Desert Storm, George H.W. Bush went before the United Nations to declare the coming of a New World Order. The Cold War was yesterday. Communism was in its death throes. The Soviet Empire had crumbled. The Soviet Union was disintegrating. Francis Fukuyama was writing of …

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America Needs No More Neo-Imperial Nonsense

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– The Financial Times Triumphant in the first Gulf war, George H.W. Bush, in October 1991, went before the UN to declare that the US’s goal was now to build a “New World Order”. Rejecting this as Wilsonian utopianism, my 1992 presidential campaign called for an end to US military …

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How Bill Kristol Purged the Arabists

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After taping John Stossel’s show on March 16 in New York, the Mrs. and I took the 10 a.m. Acela back to Washington. Once we had boarded the train, who should come waddling up the aisle but Bill Kristol. The Weekly Standard editor seemed cheerful, and we chatted about the …

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For What, All These Wars?

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“I wish to express my deep regret for the reported incident. … I extend to you and the Afghan people my sincere apologies.” As President Obama sent this letter of apology to Hamid Karzai for the burning by U.S. troops of Qurans that were used to smuggle notes between Afghan …

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A Community Organizer Goes to War

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Now that Benghazi has been spared what we were assured would be a massacre by Moammar Gadhafi’s army, why are the U.S. Air Force, Navy, CIA and Special Forces still attacking in Libya? If our objective was to spare the defenseless people of Benghazi from slaughter, why, mission accomplished, did …

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