Has the Backlash Arrived for Police-Bashing?

Has the Backlash Arrived for Police-Bashing?

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The daily reports of escalating violent crime, resulting in growing numbers of innocent wounded and dead, are inducing a fear for safety that is outstripping any fear of cops. And politicians are beginning to see the numbers shift and reacting accordingly. Consider a few of the crime numbers… Within hours …

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Biden vs. Biden on 'Is America a Racist Country?'

Biden vs. Biden on ‘Is America a Racist Country?’

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Can you lead a country about whose history you profess shame? And how long will Americans follow leaders who appear to agree with those who hate what America was and, yes, what America is? “Hear me clearly: America is not a racist country.” So declared Sen. Tim Scott, a Black …

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Is America Led Today By Anti-Americans?

Is America Led Today By Anti-Americans?

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Biden is saying that when Chauvin knelt on the neck of George Floyd for nine minutes as the life drained out of him, the world, for once, was getting a good, close look at the diseased soul of America… a reflection of the kind of justice America delivers to Black …

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Who and What Killed George Floyd?

Who and What Killed George Floyd?

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George Floyd was not choked to death. He was not asphyxiated. He was not killed by Chauvin’s knee on the side of his neck. An autopsy showed Floyd’s neck muscles were not even bruised. Friday, as the jury was being empaneled for the trial of fired police officer Derek Chauvin, …

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Who Really Imperils the Republic?

Who Really Imperils the Republic?

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In the “domestic terrorism” at the Capitol, no protester set off a bomb, toppled a statue, or fired a weapon. Of the four who died that day, all were protesters. Ashli Babbitt, 35, a 14-year Air Force veteran, was shot to death by a Capitol cop as she tried to …

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Biden: No New Cold Wars or Democracy Crusades

Biden: No New Cold Wars or Democracy Crusades

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Biden’s remarks also reveal the dichotomy that exists between what is on the minds of his countrymen, and what is on the minds of so many among our foreign policy elites. “What is America’s mission?” is a question that has been debated since George Washington’s Farewell Address in 1797. At …

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Of Rioters, Protesters & Patriots

Of Rioters, Protesters & Patriots

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About the morality and justice of the rampage of rioting in the wake of Floyd’s death, and the sole riot at the Capitol, the media are the self-anointed judges. They decide which riots are benign and which are malignant, which should receive an empathetic response, and which should end with …

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Who Are the True 'Domestic Terrorists'?

Who Are the True ‘Domestic Terrorists’?

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The truth: The vast majority of criminals who rob, rape, shoot and kill Americans in the tens of thousands each year, and the people who did almost all of the rioting, looting, arson and assaults on cops in 2020, never wore MAGA hats. “Never allow a good crisis (to) go …

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