Is America Moving Right?

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Whether or not Republican Scott Brown captures the Senate seat in Massachusetts today, his surging and successful campaign is a fire bell in the night for the Party of Government. For Brown has run as an independent, an outsider, a protest candidate. His principal target: the health care reform bill …

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For Whom the Bell Tolls

For the Blue Dogs, Tuesday was a fire bell in the night.

Virginia Republicans led by Robert McDonnell crushed the most conservative Democrat nominee in decades, rolling up a victory that rivaled Ronald Reagan’s rout of Walter Mondale.

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Globalism vs. Americanism

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by Patrick J. Buchanan Down at the Chinese outlet store in Albany known as Wal-Mart, Chinese tires have so successfully undercut U.S.-made tires that the Cooper Tire factory in that south Georgia town had to shut down. Twenty-one hundred Georgians lost their jobs. The tale of Cooper Tire and what …

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The Get-Cheney Squad

by Patrick J. Buchanan

“Men sleep peacefully in their beds at night because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.”

George Orwell’s truth comes to mind as one reads that Eric Holder has named a special prosecutor to go after the “rough men” who, to keep us sleeping peacefully at night, went too far in frightening Khalid Sheik Muhammad, the engineer of the September massacres.

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A GOP That Can Say No

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by Patrick J. Buchanan Reports of the death of the Republican Party appear to have been premature. Not since Sen. Bob Griffin derailed LBJ’s scheme to replace Chief Justice Earl Warren with crony Abe Fortas, before Nixon got to the Oval Office, has the GOP defied this city and voted …

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