They are called the PIGS — Portugal, Ireland, Greece, Spain. What they have in common is that all are facing deficits and debts that could bring on national defaults and break up the European Union.
What brought the PIGS to the edge of the abyss?
When communism collapsed in Moscow, Prague and Belgrade at the end of the Cold War, ethnic nationalism surged to the surface in all three nations and tore them apart into 24 countries. Economic nationalism is now resurgent across Europe. And it is hard to see how a transnational institution like …
“Among the mega-forces moving the tectonic plates and imperiling the nation-states of the world from above and below are these: First, ethno-nationalism, which threatens nations with secession and break-up. We see it in the Uighurs of China, the Naga of India, the Baluch of Iran and Pakistan, the Kurds of …
They are called the PIGS — Portugal, Ireland, Greece, Spain. What they have in common is that all are facing deficits and debts that could bring on national defaults and break up the European Union.
What brought the PIGS to the edge of the abyss?
This is a “mind-boggling concept,” exploded Lou Dobbs. It must cause Americans to think our political and academic elites have “gone utterly mad.” What had detonated the mild-mannered CNN anchor? Robert Pastor, vice chair of the Council on Foreign Relations Task Force on North America, had just appeared before a …
“Economic unity and political unity are twins: one cannot be born without the other following,” said Friedrich List, the famed German economist and nationalist. Again and again, history has proven List right. Economic union leads inexorably to political union. The left has always understood this. The right never does, until …
1999: Announcement Speech – Falls Church, Virginia Good morning. Today, I am ending my lifelong membership in the Republican Party, and my campaign for its nomination; and I am declaring my intention to seek the nomination of the Reform Party for the presidency of the United States. This decision was …
The European Union possesses none of the attributes of a nation — a common language, culture, history and heroes… Its internal contradictions and the natural disposition of all nations to put their own interests first will confound this utopian superstate… “The real divisions of our time,” writes the scholar Christian …
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