Why the Left Can't Let Go of Jan. 6

Why the Left Can’t Let Go of Jan. 6

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Every Democrat of the committee has voted to impeach Trump for Jan. 6. Both of the Republicans Pelosi put on the committee to provide bipartisan balance — Wyoming’s Liz Cheney and Illinois’ Adam Kinzinger — voted to impeach Trump last January and are the two ranking anti-Trump Republicans on Capitol …

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The Return of 'Law and Order'

The Return of ‘Law and Order’

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To secure the safety of poor communities, several elements have always been needed: police to prevent crimes and arrest the criminals who commit them, prosecutors who will put them away, and prison cells to house them. This was the formula that broke the back of the long crime wave that …

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Biden vs. Biden on 'Is America a Racist Country?'

Biden vs. Biden on ‘Is America a Racist Country?’

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Can you lead a country about whose history you profess shame? And how long will Americans follow leaders who appear to agree with those who hate what America was and, yes, what America is? “Hear me clearly: America is not a racist country.” So declared Sen. Tim Scott, a Black …

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Trump -- Once and Future King?

Trump — Once and Future King?

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There is a specific Trumpian agenda, with which he is alone associated, that is becoming the issues agenda of the conservative movement and the party base, if not the party elites. “I don’t know if he’ll run in 2024 or not. But if he does, I’m pretty sure he will …

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Will the Radical Left Reunite the GOP?

Will the Radical Left Reunite the GOP?

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The succession struggle in the GOP is now underway. But as for now, Donald Trump is The Man, and he is not going anywhere… Still, even if Trump cannot unite the Republican Party, he brings, far and away, the largest pile of chips to the table. “Our historic, patriotic and …

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Of Rioters, Protesters & Patriots

Of Rioters, Protesters & Patriots

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About the morality and justice of the rampage of rioting in the wake of Floyd’s death, and the sole riot at the Capitol, the media are the self-anointed judges. They decide which riots are benign and which are malignant, which should receive an empathetic response, and which should end with …

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Now, the Left Owns It All

Now, the Left Owns It All

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In anticipation of Wednesday’s inauguration, 25,000 National Guard have been deployed in and around D.C. to defend against right-wing mobs or would-be assassins. Three or four times as many troops are here in D.C. as there are U.S. troops in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria combined. That mob that split off …

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The Lynch Mob Comes for Citizen Trump

The Lynch Mob Comes for Citizen Trump

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Trump not only defeated the establishment in 2016. He got 74 million votes for a second term. Then, he defiantly refused to recognize that his defeat was fairly accomplished. Trump is hated because he will not play the role the left has assigned to him in its historic morality play, …

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