Democrats' Diversity -- Only in the Back of the Bus

Democrats’ Diversity — Only in the Back of the Bus

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The promise of victory offered by Biden and the ideological agenda offered by Sanders and Warren trumped the ethnic appeal of Booker, Castro and Kamala Harris. The “Our diversity is our strength!” Party is starting to look rather monochromatic in its upper echelons these days. The four leading candidates for …

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Let the People Decide Trump's Fate

Let the People Decide Trump’s Fate

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How is it bribery for a president, responsible for seeing that the laws are faithfully executed, to insist that a regime dependent on U.S. aid investigate a conflict of interest and potential corruption when the enriched beneficiary is the son of the vice president of the USA? Was there linkage …

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Democrats - The Great Pretenders

Bernie Leads His Party to Open Borders

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With cartel battles escalating into a war that Mexico City has no stomach for fighting, and a record number of migrants from Central America crossing Mexico to flood into the USA, what is the Democratic Party’s policy for halting the rising tide? Some 100 members of an American Mormon community …

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Will 'Sexist' White Males Derail Warren?

Will ‘Sexist’ White Males Derail Warren?

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The three white males are denigrating and piling on the woman who is the front-runner with attacks on her personality for which conservatives, if they used such tactics, would be charged with “dog-whistling” the white working class. After celebrating Tuesday’s takeover of Virginia’s legislature and the Kentucky governorship, the liberal …

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Is Trump Facing a 1960s-Style Revolt?

Is Trump Facing a 1960s-Style Revolt?

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It is imprecise to say this city is divided over Trump. It is rather almost solidly united behind what millions of Middle Americans believe to be a deep state-media conspiracy to overturn the 2016 election and effect a coup d’etat against a president whom this city detests but fears it …

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Can Joe Biden Run This Marathon?

Can Joe Biden Run This Marathon?

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Given months of campaigning in which the principal feature has been his gaffes, why is Joe still the front-runner? Thursday, Sept. 14, looks to be a fateful day in the half-century-long political career of Joe Biden. That night, a three-hour debate will be held, a marathon in politics. Biden will …

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Are Democrats Ceding the Center to Trump?

Are Democrats Ceding the Center to Trump?

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Other problems have now arisen for the Democrats because of the issues that have come to the fore: race, radicalism and the border. None looks like a winning Democratic issue in November 2020. Since the Democratic debates in June, the tide seems to have receded for the party and its …

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Biden Plays the Race Card

Biden Plays the Race Card

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With the economy firing on all eight cylinders, and the drive for impeachment losing steam, a new strategy is emerging — to take Trump down by stuffing him in a box with white supremacists. As he debated with himself whether to enter the race for the 2020 Democratic nomination, Joe …

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