
The Coming Age of Austerity

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“Are the good times really over for good?” asked Merle Haggard in his 1982 lament. Then, the good times weren’t over. In fact, they were coming back, with the Reagan recovery, the renewal of the American spirit and the end of a Cold War that had consumed so much of …

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No Apologies Needed, Mitt

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Mitt Romney has conceded that his thoughts, expressed at that Boca Raton, Fla., fundraiser, were “not elegantly” stated. Those mocking him might concede he has tabled one of the mega-issues of our time. Can America continue down the path President Obama is taking us on, to a time soon and …

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The ‘Large Purpose’ of Romney-Ryan

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“The success of a party means little except when the nation is using that party for a large and definite purpose,” said Woodrow Wilson in his first inaugural, 100 years ago. The Republican Party of Richard Nixon was called to power in 1968 to bring an honorable end to the …

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Mitt’s ‘Damn-the-Torpedoes!’ Decision

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Mitt Romney‘s decision to select Rep. Paul Ryan as his running mate speaks well of the man who made it. Indeed, it seemed less like the moderate man we have come to know than Adm. David Farragut in Mobile Bay: “Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead!” Facing sinking polls, endless …

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The Chickens of Globalization Come Home to Roost

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Mitt Romney is today the beneficiary of some desperate counsel from alarmed Republicans on how to escape the snare in which he has found himself. Democrats are charging that Mitt was still chairman and CEO of Bain Capital between 1999 and 2002, when the company was advising some of America’s …

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Now Korea Is Cleaning Our Clock

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“The entry into force of the U.S.-Korea trade agreement on March 15, 2012, means countless new opportunities for U.S. exporters to sell more made-in-America goods, services and agricultural products to Korean customers — and to support more good jobs here at home.” Thus did the Office of the U.S. Trade …

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Has the Bell Begun to Toll for the GOP?

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Among the more controversial chapters in “Suicide of a Superpower,” my book published last fall, was the one titled, “The End of White America.” It dealt with the demographic decline of the white majority and what it portends for education, the U.S. economy, politics and national unity. That book and …

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David Cameron’s Finest Hour

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Prime Minister David Cameron’s decision to veto Germany‘s demand for a new European fiscal union will define his premiership. More than that, Cameron has raised a banner for patriots everywhere fighting to retain their national independence. With his no vote on fiscal union, Cameron declared to the EU: “British surrenders …

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