The Great White Hope

‘The Great White Hope’

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“Something startling is happening to middle-aged white Americans. Unlike every other age group, unlike every other racial and ethnic group … death rates in this group have been rising, not falling.” The big new killers of middle-aged white folks? Alcoholic liver disease, overdoses of heroin and opioids, and suicides. So …

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Pope’s World and the Real World

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Pope Francis’s four-day visit to the United States was by any measure a personal and political triumph. The crowds were immense, and coverage of the Holy Father on television and in the print press swamped the state visit of Xi Jinping, the leader of the world’s second-greatest power. But how …

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Is Third World America Inevitable?

Is Third World America Inevitable?

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Thousands of U.S. troops safeguard the border of South Korea. U.S. warships patrol the South China Sea to stand witness to the territorial claims of Asian allies against China. U.S. troops move in and out of the Baltic States to signal our willingness to defend the frontiers of these tiny …

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Diversity -- or Meritocracy?

Diversity — or Meritocracy?

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A voracious and eclectic reader, President Nixon instructed me to send him every few weeks 10 articles he would not normally see that were on interesting or important issues. In 1971, I sent him an essay from The Atlantic, with reviews by Time and Newsweek, by Dr. Richard Herrnstein. My …

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The New South — Black and Conservative

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In 1956, 19 Democratic Senators and 82 Democratic House members signed a Southern Manifesto pledging to resist the integration of Southern public schools as ordered by Earl Warren’s Supreme Court. Only two GOP House members, both from Virginia, signed. The American South was as solidly Democratic as it was solidly …

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Brazil of North America - Pat Buchanan

The Brazil of North America

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To observe the decades-long paralysis of America’s political elite in controlling her borders calls to mind the insight of James Burnham in 1964 — “Liberalism is the ideology of Western suicide.” What the ex-Trotskyite turned Cold Warrior meant was that by faithfully following the tenets of liberalism, the West would …

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How Freedom Dies

How Freedom Dies

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“Religious Right Cheers a Bill Allowing Refusal to Serve Gays.” Thus did the New York Times’ headline, leaving no doubt as to who the black hats are, describe the proposed Arizona law to permit businesses, on religious grounds, to deny service to same-sex couples. Examples of intolerance provided by the …

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Is America Going to Pot?

Is America Going to Pot?

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Smoking Marlboros is now forbidden in Irish bars in New York City. But buying, selling, and smoking marijuana is legal in Colorado. It doesn’t take a weatherman to know which way the wind is blowing. But where are we going? One certain result of the legalization of marijuana is that …

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