New York Times to Biden -- Time to Go!

New York Times to Biden — Time to Go!

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Democrats will not miss the message that the Times is ready to bolt on Biden, and if Democrats wish to win and keep Donald Trump out of the White House, they need a new horse to ride. This one is lame. When President Joe Biden retired in Rehoboth Beach on …

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Will Midterms Be Biden's Last Hurrah? By Patrick Buchanan

Will Midterms Be Biden’s Last Hurrah?

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Alexander Hamilton in the Federalist Papers wrote of “energy in the executive” as being an indispensable attribute of good government. Does Biden, with his shuffling gait, regular gaffes, and physical and cognitive decline manifest that attribute of which Hamilton wrote? For half a decade now, America’s media elite have been …

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Are Democrats Kicking Away Their Future? By Patrick Buchanan

Are Democrats Kicking Away Their Future?

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The latest bad news came out of the Golden State, where three progressives on San Francisco’s school board were recalled in an election where more than 7 in 10 voters cast ballots to be rid of them. The problem for Democrats is that the issues for which the three were …

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Why Is Biden Creating His Own Crises?

Why Is Biden Creating His Own Crises?

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What Gov. Andrew Cuomo did to the nursing homes of New York — send COVID-positive patients back into them — Biden is doing to the USA… How do you control a pandemic when our 2,000-mile southern border is a crossing corridor for thousands of infected every single day? Our mainstream …

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Can Trump Pull a Second Rabbit Out of the Hat?

Can Trump Pull a Second Rabbit Out of the Hat?

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Still, this thing is not over. For, at this stage of the 2016 campaign, Hillary Clinton was showing equally impressive poll numbers, and she would go on to lose all eight of those battleground states in the greatest upset since Harry Truman defeated Tom Dewey in 1948. “Apres moi, la …

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A Focused Trump Can Still Pull It Out

A Focused Trump Can Still Pull It Out

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Trump needs to convert a Mr. Congeniality contest into a decision of whom you want to lead the nation in this perilous hour. Whom do you want in the Oval Office dealing with the current crises: Mr. Nice Guy or the guy who showed he could get the job done …

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