Are We on the Ramp to Impeachment Road?

Are We on the Ramp to Impeachment Road?

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If Trump believes, not without reason, that Pelosi’s caucus is out to kill his presidency, should he cooperate with the co-conspirators or use all of the actual and latent powers of his office to repel them? After a stroke felled Woodrow Wilson during his national tour to save his League …

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The Democrats Divide on Impeachment

The Democrats Divide on Impeachment

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The credibility of the Democratic Party is now at issue… If Mueller could not find collusion, what reason is there to believe Rep. Jerry Nadler’s judiciary committee will find it, and then convince the country that they have discovered what ex-FBI Director Mueller could not. The release of the Mueller …

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Is the American Century Over For Good?

Is the American Century Over For Good?

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Indulging its hatred of Trump is a preoccupation, an obsession of this capital city. “Politics stops at the water’s edge” was a tradition that, not so long ago, was observed by both parties, particularly when a president was abroad, speaking for the nation. The tradition was enunciated by Sen. Arthur …

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If the Army Stands With Maduro, What Is Plan B?

If the Army Stands With Maduro, What Is Plan B?

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“Pay the soldiers. The rest do not matter.” This was the deathbed counsel given to his sons by Roman Emperor Septimius Severus in A.D. 211. Nicolas Maduro must today appreciate the emperor’s insight. For the political survival of this former bus driver and union boss hangs now upon whether Venezuela’s …

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