The Philanthropic Superpower

The Philanthropic Superpower

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If a single word could sum up the goal of Barack Obama’s Asia tour, it would be “reassurance.” Obama went to Tokyo to reassure Japan that, should China attempt to seize its Senkaku Islands, America will fight at her side. He reassured Seoul of our commitment to defend South Korea. …

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On Treating Putin as Pariah

On Treating Putin as Pariah

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“Mr. Obama is focused on isolating President Vladimir V. Putin’s Russia by cutting off its economic and political ties to the outside world … and effectively making it a pariah state.” So wrote Peter Baker in Sunday’s New York Times. Yet if history is any guide, this “pariah policy,” even …

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Nationalism, Not NATO, Is Our Great Ally

Nationalism, Not NATO, Is Our Great Ally

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With Vladimir Putin having bloodlessly annexed Crimea and hinting that his army might cross the border to protect the Russians of East Ukraine, Washington is abuzz with talk of dispatching U.S. troops to Eastern Europe. But unless we have lost our minds, we are not going to fight Russia over …

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The End of Ideology

The End of Ideology?

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On our TV talk shows and op-ed pages, and in our think tanks here, there is rising alarm over events abroad. And President Obama is widely blamed for the perceived decline in worldwide respect for the United States. Yet, still, one hears no clamor from Middle America for “Action This …

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Marching as to War

Marching as to War

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Sweeping through Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania this week, Joe Biden reassured all three that the United States’ commitment to Article Five of the NATO treaty remains “solemn” and “iron clad.” Article Five commits us to war if the territory of any of these tiny Baltic nations is violated by Russia. …

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Staying Out of Other People's Wars

Staying Out of Other People’s Wars

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“If these negotiations [with Iran] fail, there are two grim alternatives,” said Sen. Richard Durbin, “a nuclear Iran, or war, or perhaps both.” Sens. John McCain and Lindsey Graham returned from the Munich security conference saying that even John Kerry agrees that President Obama’s Syrian policy has failed. They are …

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Killed by Free Trade

Dr. Pangloss, Free Trader

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“We’ve outsourced our manufacturing and much of our pollution, but some of it is blowing back across the Pacific to haunt us.” So says University of California scientist Steve Davis. Smog from Chinese factories has already saturated cities like Beijing, where residents go about in surgical masks, and crossed the …

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Obama Should Go to Sochi

Obama Should Go to Sochi

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With twin suicide bombings in Volgograd, at a train station and on a trolley, 34 Russians are dead and scores are injured and hospitalized. Moscow and the world have been put on notice by Doku Umarov, the Chechen Islamic terrorist, that the winter Olympics in Sochi, six weeks away, may …

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