US Embraces a Diversity China Fears

US Embraces a Diversity China Fears

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“Our diversity is our strength.” But is that cliché true? Where is the scientific, historical or empirical evidence for the proposition that the greater the religious, racial, tribal and ethnic diversity of a nation, the stronger it becomes?    To put it mildly, this is not a universally held belief. …

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Is America Becoming a Failed State?

Is America Becoming a Failed State?

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Biden is failing in his first constitutional duty — to defend the United States from foreign invasion. We Americans no longer decide who comes into our national home and whom we shall adopt as new citizens… We defend the borders of scores of nations; we cannot, or Biden will not, …

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Why Can't Biden Stop This Invasion?

Why Can’t Biden Stop This Invasion?

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America used to regard its southern border as sacrosanct and vulnerable, requiring constant vigilance and occasional action to secure. And how is President Joe Biden handling his sworn presidential duty to defend the states of the Union from invasion? Article IV of the Constitution addresses the obligations of the federal …

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Why Is Biden Creating His Own Crises?

Why Is Biden Creating His Own Crises?

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What Gov. Andrew Cuomo did to the nursing homes of New York — send COVID-positive patients back into them — Biden is doing to the USA… How do you control a pandemic when our 2,000-mile southern border is a crossing corridor for thousands of infected every single day? Our mainstream …

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Do We Not Have Enough Enemies?

Do We Not Have Enough Enemies?

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North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un’s sister issued this threat… “We take this opportunity to warn the new U.S. administration trying hard to give off powdered smell in our land that if it wants to sleep in peace for the coming four years, it had better refrain from causing a …

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As the Filibuster Goes, So Goes the GOP

As the Filibuster Goes, So Goes the GOP

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After abolishing the filibuster, says Obama, Democrats should ram through statehood for Puerto Rico and D.C., thereby expanding the Senate to 104 members, and adding four new Democratic senators. That new Senate, says Obama, should enact every law possible to enlarge and expand the electorate, including extending the ballot to …

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