The Richard Nixon His Loyalists Knew By Patrick Buchanan

The Richard Nixon His Loyalists Knew

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Bedeviled by anti-war protests and bomb threats, Nixon’s first year ended in triumph after his “Silent Majority” speech rallied the nation and rocked the left back on its heels, vaulting the president’s approval rating to 69%… Where Donald Trump used social media to communicate with his following, Nixon used national …

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Return of the 'Law and Order' Issue

Return of the ‘Law and Order’ Issue

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Indeed, of all of the Black folks who will have died of homicide or murder in D.C., Baltimore, Philly and New York this year, how many will have been shot or stabbed by Proud Boys, Three Percenters, Oath Keepers, white vigilantes, white supremacists or rogue white cops? According to Gallup, …

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Biden vs. Biden on 'Is America a Racist Country?'

Biden vs. Biden on ‘Is America a Racist Country?’

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Can you lead a country about whose history you profess shame? And how long will Americans follow leaders who appear to agree with those who hate what America was and, yes, what America is? “Hear me clearly: America is not a racist country.” So declared Sen. Tim Scott, a Black …

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Who Are the True 'Domestic Terrorists'?

Who Are the True ‘Domestic Terrorists’?

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The truth: The vast majority of criminals who rob, rape, shoot and kill Americans in the tens of thousands each year, and the people who did almost all of the rioting, looting, arson and assaults on cops in 2020, never wore MAGA hats. “Never allow a good crisis (to) go …

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