Vaccine Patriotism vs. Vaccine Globalism

Vaccine Patriotism vs. Vaccine Globalism

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Is it wrong for the U.S. to ensure that every American who wants a shot gets one, before taking on the task of vaccinating the rest of the world? Is it wrong for America to put Americans first? When the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines first proved their efficacy, preventing nearly …

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Autocracy vs. Democracy or China vs. America?

Autocracy vs. Democracy or China vs. America?

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Nor does Biden’s faith in small “d” democracy appear to have been shared by the men who founded the United States as a “republic, if you can keep it.” They saw democracy not as some object of veneration but as a danger to be avoided. “I’ve known Xi Jinping for …

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Trump -- Once and Future King?

Trump — Once and Future King?

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There is a specific Trumpian agenda, with which he is alone associated, that is becoming the issues agenda of the conservative movement and the party base, if not the party elites. “I don’t know if he’ll run in 2024 or not. But if he does, I’m pretty sure he will …

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Biden: No New Cold Wars or Democracy Crusades

Biden: No New Cold Wars or Democracy Crusades

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Biden’s remarks also reveal the dichotomy that exists between what is on the minds of his countrymen, and what is on the minds of so many among our foreign policy elites. “What is America’s mission?” is a question that has been debated since George Washington’s Farewell Address in 1797. At …

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Is Biden Prepared to Lose Afghanistan?

Is Biden Prepared to Lose Afghanistan?

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A Biden decision to suspend a final pullout of U.S. forces will be well received by our foreign policy elites. But the anti-interventionist wings of the two parties are growing in strength. Is President Joe Biden prepared to preside over the worst U.S. strategic defeat since the fall of Saigon …

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Dark Winter of a Grand Old Party

Dark Winter of a Grand Old Party

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There may have been a worse 90 days in Republican Party history, but it is difficult to recall exactly when. It has been a dreadful three months for the Grand Old Party. On Nov. 3, President Donald Trump seemed to have lost the White House by narrowly losing three crucial …

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Has Bibi Boxed Biden in on Iran?

Has Bibi Boxed Biden in on Iran?

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So, again, why would Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu authorize Mossad to send an assassination team to Iran to kill the nuclear scientist? And why now? If Israel, as is universally believed and has not been denied, was behind the assassination of Iran’s leading nuclear scientist, questions arise: Why would the …

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A Historic Presidency

A Historic Presidency

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Can anyone believe that Bush Republicans or the “Never-Trumpers” are the future of the party when one considers the massive and visceral reaction of millions of Trump voters even to the idea of conceding his defeat in this election? In the first two decades of the century, President-elect Joe Biden’s …

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