Is He One of Us?

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As one looks at the polls, the issues and the candidates, the election of 2008 resembles what poker players call a “lay-down hand.” Two-thirds of the nation believes the Iraq war a blunder. Sixty-nine percent disapproves of President Bush. Eighty-one percent thinks America is on the wrong course. Inflation is …

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The Greenhouse Effect

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Last week, the Supreme Court held, 7 to 2, that Kentucky’s method of lethal injection remains a constitutional way of executing the rapist of a child. Justice John Paul Stevens concurred. In his opinion, however, Stevens exhilarated liberals by coming out of the closet as a born-again abolitionist of capital …

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Who’s Behind the Proxy Wars

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Iran is conducting a proxy war against the United States in Iraq, declared Ambassador Ryan Crocker last week. How? Gen. David Petraeus explained. The Quds Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and Hezbollah are arming, training and directing the Shia militia fighting U.S. and Iraqi forces in Basra and firing …

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In Darkest Pennsylvania

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It was said behind closed doors to the chablis-and-brie set of San Francisco, in response to a question as to why he was not doing better in that benighted and barbarous land they call Pennsylvania. Like Dr. Schweitzer, home from Africa to address the Royal Society on the customs of …

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Petraeus Points to War With Iran

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The neocons may yet get their war on Iran. Ever since President Nouri al-Maliki ordered the attacks in Basra on the Mahdi Army, Gen. David Petraeus has been laying the predicate for U.S. air strikes on Iran and a wider war in the Middle East. Iran, Petraeus told the Senate …

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Onward the Revolution!

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Having cheerfully confessed he knows little about economics, John McCain is advancing himself as a foreign-policy president, a “realistic idealist,” he told the World Affairs Council of Los Angeles. But judging from the content of his speech, McCain is no more a realist than he is a reflective man. Speaking …

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Was It ‘The Good War’?

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“Yes, it was a good war,” writes Richard Cohen in his column challenging the thesis of pacifist Nicholson Baker in his new book, “Human Smoke,” that World War II produced more evil than good. Baker’s compelling work, which uses press clips and quotes of Axis and Allied leaders as they …

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Should We Fight for South Ossetia?

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In echo of Warren Harding’s “A Return to Normalcy” speech of 1920, George Bush last week declared, “Normalcy is returning back to Iraq.” The term seemed a mite ironic. For, as Bush spoke, Iraqis were dying in the hundreds in the bloodiest fighting in months in Basra, the Shia militias …

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